Best Banks in Switzerland for Foreigners: A Complete Guide

Frederik Nielsen

Choosing the right bank is a crucial decision for foreigners and expats living in Switzerland. With a variety of banking options available, it’s important to find one that meets your specific needs, especially if you’re looking for services in English.

This article aims to guide you through the process, providing clear and informative insights into the best banks in Switzerland for foreigners. Whether you require comprehensive online banking, low fees, or accessible customer service, understanding what each bank offers will help you make an informed decision.


  • Evaluate banks based on English support and customer service availability.
  • Consider account types, fees, and online banking services before choosing a bank.
  • Compare international transfer costs and currency exchange options.
  • Seek banks that offer investment, insurance, and safety deposit box services.
  • Assess the bank’s reputation and the convenience of branch locations.

Best Banks in Switzerland for Foreigners

Best Banks in Switzerland for Foreigners
Bank NameServices OfferedLanguage SupportOnline BankingNotable Features
UBSComprehensive banking, wealth managementYesYesExtensive network, expat services
Credit SuisseBanking solutions, personalized packagesYesYesInvestment advice, wealth management
PostFinanceAccessible services, digital bankingYesYesSimplified banking, competitive fees
Cantonal BanksLocalized service, financial adviceVariesYesCommunity-focused, tailored services
Online BanksDigital banking, low feesYesYesMulti-currency accounts, instant transfers


UBS stands out for its comprehensive services tailored to meet the needs of foreigners and expats. With an extensive network of branches across Switzerland, UBS offers English-speaking customer service, a wide range of account types, and a robust online banking platform. Expats may find UBS’s wealth management services particularly appealing, along with competitive multi-currency account options for those dealing with finances across borders.

Credit Suisse

Another leading choice for foreigners in Switzerland, Credit Suisse provides a rich array of banking solutions. Customers benefit from its English-speaking staff, diverse account offerings, and sophisticated online and mobile banking tools. Credit Suisse is known for its personalized banking packages, which can be customized to suit the unique financial needs of expats, including investment advice and international wealth management services.


As the financial services arm of the Swiss Post, PostFinance is a popular option among foreigners for its accessibility and user-friendly services. It offers a range of accounts with competitive fees, digital banking solutions, and investment options. PostFinance’s focus on simplicity and efficiency makes it an excellent choice for those seeking straightforward banking in Switzerland.

Cantonal Banks (e.g., Zürcher Kantonalbank)

Cantonal banks offer a localized banking experience with services tailored to the needs of residents within their respective cantons. For foreigners, banks like Zürcher Kantonalbank provide the advantage of localized customer service alongside a strong understanding of the local economy. Many cantonal banks offer English-language services, competitive account options, and personalized financial advice.

Online Banks and Financial Institutions (e.g., Revolut, N26)

For expats favoring digital banking, online banks such as Revolut and N26 offer flexible, low-fee banking solutions without the need for a traditional branch network. These banks provide multi-currency accounts, instant international money transfers at competitive rates, and innovative mobile apps for managing finances on the go. Their services are particularly appealing to tech-savvy foreigners looking for convenience and efficiency in their banking experience.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bank

Language Support

Access to English-speaking staff and online banking services in English is essential for those who may not be fluent in the local languages. This factor greatly enhances the banking experience, ensuring you can easily manage your accounts and resolve any issues without facing language barriers.

Account Types

Various account types cater to different financial needs. It is important to understand the options available, such as checking accounts for daily transactions, savings accounts for accruing interest, and multi-currency accounts for those dealing in more than one currency. Each type has its own set of benefits tailored to suit diverse requirements.

Fees and Charges

It is crucial to be aware of the potential fees associated with banking. These can include account management fees, transaction fees, ATM use charges, and fees for international transfers. Comparing these costs among banks can lead to significant savings over time.

Online and Mobile Banking

In today’s digital age, efficient online and mobile banking services are indispensable. Look for banks that offer user-friendly platforms, enabling you to perform a wide range of transactions, check balances, and monitor your accounts securely from anywhere in the world.

Branch Access

While online banking is convenient, having access to physical branches can be important for certain banking needs. Consider the location and accessibility of bank branches and their customer service hours, especially if you prefer face-to-face interactions for complex transactions or advice.

Opening a Bank Account in Switzerland as a Foreigner

Documentation Required

Preparing the necessary documents is the first step in opening a bank account in Switzerland. Typically, banks require a valid passport or identity card, proof of residence in Switzerland (such as a rental agreement or a utility bill in your name), and sometimes proof of employment or education. Additionally, a residence permit may be requested to confirm your legal status in the country.


The process to open an account can vary slightly from bank to bank but generally follows these steps:

  1. Choose a bank based on your needs and preferences.
  2. Visit a branch in person or initiate the process online, depending on the bank’s offerings.
  3. Submit the required documents for verification.
  4. Complete an application form, providing personal and financial information.
  5. Wait for the bank to process your application and conduct due diligence checks.
  6. Once approved, you will receive your account details, along with online banking access information if applicable.

Tips for a Smooth Process

To ensure the account opening process goes as smoothly as possible, consider these tips:

  • Ensure all documents are current and accurately reflect your personal and financial situation.
  • Inquire about the possibility of starting the account opening process online, especially if you are yet to arrive in Switzerland.
  • Clarify any doubts regarding fees, account types, and required documentation directly with the bank before submitting your application.
  • Be patient, as the verification process can take some time due to stringent regulations aimed at preventing financial crimes.

Check out our complete guide on opening a bank account in Switzerland here.

Banking Tips for Expats in Switzerland

Currency Exchange

Managing currency exchange is a common concern for expats. To minimize losses due to fluctuating exchange rates and fees, consider opening a multi-currency account that allows you to hold, exchange, and spend in multiple currencies. Additionally, using online financial services for currency conversion can offer more favorable rates compared to traditional banks.

International Transfers

For those frequently conducting international transfers, it’s crucial to compare fees and exchange rates offered by different banks and financial institutions. Services like TransferWise (now Wise) or Revolut often provide more competitive rates and lower fees than traditional banks. Setting up regular transfer plans or alerts for favorable exchange rates can also help in optimizing transfer costs.

Financial Planning

Living in a new country requires careful financial planning. Many banks offer advisory services to help expats manage their finances effectively. This may include investment advice, retirement planning, and tax optimization strategies tailored to the unique situation of living abroad. Utilizing these services can provide valuable insights and help secure your financial future in Switzerland.

Safety and Security

Ensure the safety of your financial assets by understanding the security features of your online banking platform. Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication where available. Stay informed about common scams targeting expats, and never share your banking details or passwords in response to unsolicited emails or calls.

Understanding Local Regulations

Familiarize yourself with local financial regulations, including tax obligations and reporting requirements for foreign accounts. Switzerland has specific laws that may affect expats, especially regarding wealth management and income from abroad. Seeking advice from a financial advisor familiar with Swiss and international law can be highly beneficial.

Essential Services for Foreigners

Safety Deposit Boxes

Many banks in Switzerland offer safety deposit box services, providing secure storage for valuable items, important documents, or confidential materials. This service is particularly useful for expats who require a safe and accessible location to store valuables that are not needed daily.

Investment Services

Expats interested in growing their wealth while living in Switzerland can take advantage of various investment services offered by banks. These range from simple savings plans to more complex investment portfolios managed by financial experts. Tailored advice can help you navigate the Swiss financial market, making informed decisions based on your risk tolerance and investment goals.


Banks often collaborate with insurance companies to offer a range of insurance products that can be beneficial for foreigners. These may include health insurance, which is mandatory for residents in Switzerland, as well as property, liability, and life insurance. Understanding the insurance landscape and securing adequate coverage is crucial for protecting yourself and your assets while abroad.

Mortgage and Lending Services

For expats considering purchasing property in Switzerland, many banks provide mortgage services with competitive rates. Personal loans and credit facilities are also available, offering financial flexibility for larger purchases or unforeseen expenses. It’s important to compare offers from various banks to find the best terms and rates suited to your financial situation.

Choosing the Right Bank for You

Selecting a bank that aligns with your specific needs and lifestyle is pivotal for a rewarding banking experience in Switzerland.

Consider the following factors to guide your decision:

  • Language Support and Customer Service: Prioritize banks that offer robust English-speaking support and customer service channels. This will simplify your banking interactions and ensure you can resolve issues efficiently.
  • Fees and Charges: Examine the fee structure of potential banks closely. To avoid unexpected charges, look for transparent pricing on account management, transactions, and international transfers.
  • Online and Mobile Banking Capabilities: Ensure the bank provides a secure, intuitive online and mobile banking platform. This is essential for managing your finances conveniently from anywhere.
  • Account and Service Offerings: Assess various account types and additional services, such as investment advice, insurance products, and safety deposit boxes. Choose a bank that offers services that match your financial activities and future plans.
  • Branch Accessibility: If you prefer in-person banking services, consider the location and accessibility of the bank’s branches. This is particularly important for complex transactions or when seeking personalized financial advice.
  • Reputation and Stability: Consider the bank’s reputation, stability, and how other expats have reviewed it. A bank with a solid track record of serving foreign clients can be a more reliable choice.

ABOUT Frederik Nielsen

Embarking on his expat journey in 2013, Frederik has gathered invaluable insights and advice for global living. His knowledge is a key feature of, where he delivers essential guidance for expat life. Frederik's contributions shine a light for anyone aiming to grasp the nuances of settling into a new homeland.

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